Welcome to Trailblaze Sex Education. We are genuinely excited that you are here!

Our mission is to bring easy to understand, comprehensive, and up-to-date sex ed to the masses. Whether you are needing information for in the family, or in the classroom, we have you covered. We teach topics for folks through their lifespan, and we offer resources and content for individuals, families, groups, businesses, school districts, and teachers.

Below you will find all of the available classes currently for grabs. Check back often for new additions!

You can find more of us at Trailblaze Sex Education | Okanagan British Columbia , on IG and FB, or by emailing [email protected]. Subscribe to our email for our newest offerings. We won't spam you.

We also have our current online in person classes listed at Calendly - Trailblaze Sex Education.

We sincerely appreciate you being here!

Jessica Wyslouzil and Lindsay Ziercke

Why Sex Ed?

Big question! Sex, sexuality and sexual anatomy (in our western culture) tend to have a negative or shameful cloak over them. When we allow and encourage discussions and education on all things sex, it helps remove the shame and negativity surrounding it. When shame and mystery are removed, folks begin to feel more comfortable speaking about sex in general, making it simpler to navigate sex/sexual health in the real world. If knowledge equals power, then sex ed is empowering! It gives us the info to make safer choices, provides resources, teaches us about consent, boundaries, sexual self awareness… and MANY other things. Sex Ed can literally save lives, broaden understandings and is the basis for a healthy sex life and the way forward to encouraging healthy communities!